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Our Mission

To feed the hungry, to quench the thirst of the thirsty (whether spiritually or/and naturally), to provide a shelter for the homeless, to clothe the naked, to visit the sick and those incarcerated, to teach literacy and financial planning to adults and children, to provide transitional housing, job skills and professional training, and employment for former inmates, to provide alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs for substance abusers, assisting individuals with mental and physical disabilities, and victims of domestic violence.


Biblical Foundation

Matthew 25: 34 – 36; 40

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

What’s special about us?

Becoming part of the family of Feed My Sheep Ministries, Inc. we make sure that there is no man, woman, or child that is in need of our services, prayers, or/and help is left unattended. We have a high amount of those we serve and try to do as much as we can to supply their needs at the moment. We grantee to stick with those in need, even if we have helped them with all their problems. Those that lack self-esteem, interview techniques, resume training, employment issues, and finance management will have personal access to any resource that we have to help them out of the situation and to also build up their faith in God and themselves for the rest of their life. We treat our people more than just a hand in need of help, but a family that builds relationships with God and members with no limitations! We teach our people to become over-comers and victors!

Our Board Members

Our board represents a cross-section of our community and has a passion for our organization and those we serve. The members work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization and oversee that the funds raised directly affect those in need.

In Remembrance of the late

Rev. Lorianne Rayfield 

Rev. Lorianne Rayfield was born in Washington, D.C. to the late Calvin and Devora Neal. The 9th of 10th siblings received her education in the D.C. Public School System and later received an Associate Degree in Computer Technology at Prince Georges Community College. At an early age, Rev. Lorianne accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior later in her walk she rededicated her life to God in 1983. Since 1994, Rev. Lorianne has been a faithful member at Cornerstone Peaceful Bible Baptist Church and she was called to public ministry in 2005 while serving on the deaconess board and she received her ordination certificate on January 24th 2015.
In the summer of 2012, Rev. Lorianne received news that she was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, despite minor setbacks and not using her diagnosis to slow her down. GOD has used Rev. Lorianne to be a great witness, lay hands on sick and recovery; and to be a prayer warrior at any moment in her life. She continued to be a dedicated member to the following ministries: Youth Sunday School Ministry, Intercessory Ministry, and Woman of Rare Distinction Ministry (WORD). She also volunteered at St. Thomas More Nursing and Rehabilitation, and Feed My Sheep Ministries, Incorporated as a board member. God continued to be her Physician and daily proving to be a standing miracle. As God continued to heal her, she steadfast on her favorite scripture Jeremiah 8:22, "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored?"
Rev. Lorianne passed away December 25th 2015. She joined Feed my Sheep Ministries in September 8th, 2015. She was a loving prayer warrior that never gave up on life and serving God. She would come to meetings and events no matter how bad she felt. Even though she is gone from this world, we know for ourselves she beat the disease and is now at rest waiting for the Lord. Our late Rev. Lorianne Rayfield was a soldier and a true woman of God. She prayed for others while she was dealing with her own sickness which would put others to shame because she never complained! She was a blessing to our family and ministry!
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4909 Colonel Addison Place

Upper Marlboro, MD 20772



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